Brewster Heath Preserve

In 2018, the Wentworth Watershed Association received donations from 400 families, leadership grants from two foundations, the Land Bank of Wolfeboro-Tuftonboro and the Wolfeboro Fund plus a donation from the Wolfeboro Conservation Commission. With 100% pledge fulfillment,  111- acres of forested land were purchased to protect the Wentworth- Crescent Watershed and put into conservation in February of 2019.

The Brewster Heath Preserve is located behind the Kingswood Regional School District’s Wolfeboro campus, providing access to outdoor exploration for students in Wolfeboro, grades 4-12. In 2020, 1.5 miles walking trails were built by WWA volunteers. These trails wander through upland, wetland and shoreline terrain. In 2021, an outdoor classroom was constructed as an Eagle Scout Project in partnership with local Boy Scouts of America- Pack 165. 18 interpretive signs have been installed along the trail as of summer 2022, that cover watershed and environmental topics as well as historical land use in Wolfeboro by Native Americans and colonial settlers in Wolfeboro.

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The 111 acre property, named the Brewster Heath Preserve is owned by the Association and the Conservation Easement is held by the Town of Wolfeboro Conservation Commission. A 5 car gravel parking lot and 1.5 miles of trails.  Access to the trail is via the parking lot on McManus Road. Please note that there is no access to the land from the waters of Heath Brook to safe guard the critical wetland vegetative buffer along the shoreline.

Photos of the Brewster Heath Preserve

Photos of the Brewster Heath Preserve are provided by our volunteers, board members, and members of the community.  

Plan your Visit

Please help us protect this ecologically sensitive area by staying on trails and practicing Leave No Trace Principles.

NO: Hunting, camping, fires, motor vehicles, bicycling, littering or dumping, trampling, collecting or removal of plants or wildlife.

You can see a map of the trail and parking area below the aerial photo. Realize that the trail descends about 150 vertical feet so returning to your car is all uphill. The trail leaves the parking lot and follows a well worn path. It then crosses the snow mobile trail and is marked with yellow blazes. There are two trails into the heath, one marked with red blazes and another with blue blazes. The recommended route goes from the parking lot down the hill, across the snowmobile trail and then bears left at a trail junction. You get down to the Heath and walk along it before coming to another trail junction. Going left takes you along more of the swamp and is recommended. Otherwise, turn right and return to your car. If you go left, you will eventually get to the snowmobile trail and turn right following the signs and then watch for the sign pointing left to the parking lot.