Education & Outreach

Increasing knowledge of rules and laws and the impact of human activities on the watershed is central to the mission of the Association. Read more about our Education and Outreach initiatives in our Watershed Management Plan.

Be Part of the Solution

The Wentworth Watershed Association has an extensive list of resources available to the community to help educate the public about the state of the Watershed.

Community Events: The Association hosts a variety of events throughout the year to educate and raise awareness about issues facing the Watershed.

Resources for a Lake Minded Community: Through a robust network of volunteers, citizen scientists, and professional researchers, we’ve collected data to better understand the needs of our Watershed. The Association has also worked with other partners in conservation to provide resources for residents to understand their individual impact on the Watershed.

Resources for Kids: It’s never too early to share the privilege and responsibility of maintaining the watershed with the next generation.

Resources for Educators: Do you want to get your students outside? Here are some resources to jump start your lesson planning about watersheds, ecology, wildlife, ecosystems, geography, mapping, GIS.

Resources for Teachers and Families: All of these curriculum resources are part of the NHFG Watershed Education Program Teacher Manual that can also be provided in a 3-ring binder format. When possible it is best if teachers attend the watershed professional development workshop to engage with these resources and conduct field research. These resources are meant to be curriculum support, not a replacement, for that training.