People of the Watershed

Personal History Series

The goal of this series of interviews is to preserve the history of the Wentworth Watershed just as the lakes and lands are protected. People’s connection to the land is what drives us to conserve it for future generations. Hearing stories of the people who’ve lived on or have loved the watershed, alongside the natural wonders of the lakes, gives a full picture of what it is that we are striving to protect.

Stephen Snow has spent nearly 75 summers on Triggs Island at a Lake Wentworth property acquired by his grandfather during the Depression.  Steve also owns a woodlot in the watershed, 325 acres on the side of Tumbledown Dick in Brookfield that he has protected through a conservation easement.  Join Steve and interviewer Maggie Stier for a lively program of recollections and stories that include island-living challenges, social life on the lake, and some youthful escapades.  Steve will also share some wise observations on present-day land and water stewardship and hopes for the future of the watershed.